proper adj. 1.适当的,相当的;正当的,应该的;正式的,正常的。 2.有礼貌的;规矩的。 3.固有的,特有的,独特的 (to)。 4.本来的,真正的;严格意义上的〔用于名词后面〕。 5.【语法】专有的;〔古语〕自己的;【天文学】自身的。 6.【纹章】本色的。 7.〔英口〕纯粹的,完全的。 8.〔古语〕漂亮的,优美的。 9.【宗教】仅限节日应用的。 I dislike proper children. 我不喜欢一本正经的孩子。 The book hardly belongs to literature proper. 这本书不好说是纯文学书。 the dictionary proper 辞典正文。 temperature proper to August 八月特有的气温。 Ferosity is proper to tigers. 凶猛是老虎的天性。 a peacock proper 【纹章】天然色彩的孔雀(纹章)。 architecture proper (不包含雕刻、管道等加工工程的)主体纯粹建筑。 There will be a proper row about it. 这个事情要引起一场大乱子来的。 a proper man 〔古语〕漂亮的男子。 quite a proper book 一本极好的书。 as you think proper 你认为怎么合适就…。 at a proper time 在适当的时候。 in the proper sense of the word 按照这个词的本来意义。 in the proper way 用适当方法。 paint sb. in sb.'s proper colours 老老实实批评某人。 proper for the occasion 合时宜。 adv. 〔方言〕适当地,好好地;非常,很;完完全全地;彻底地。 n. 〔常 pl. 〕【宗教】特定礼拜仪式,特祷;特赞。
You will actually have more rapid economic growth and better paying jobs , leading to higher levels of education and technology if we do this in the proper way 副总统高尔今年三月访问中国时,曾发起与他们进行环保与开发的论坛,以便我们可以与中国合作,兼顾追求成长与保护环境。
Sociology is opposite at other professional stronger course , compare easy introduction , should prepare only sufficient , review do sth in the proper way , hope of pass an entrance examination is very big still 社会学相对于其他专业性更强的学科而言,比较轻易入门,只要预备充分,复习得法,考取希望还是很大的。
You should include the data quality assumptions in the project contract document , because the quality of the business data might greatly affect the project schedule if it is not solved in time and in the proper way 您应该在项目合同文档中包含数据质量假设,因为如果没有用正确的方法及时解决业务数据的质量问题,它可能严重影响项目时间表。
The mass media is frequently used in china to inform young people about oceanographic topics and educate the people living in coastal regions in the proper way to exploit marine resources and protect the marine environment 中国还常年利用新闻媒体对青少年进行海洋知识教育,并在沿海地区公众中开展合理开发利用海洋和保护海洋环境的常识教育。
" methodology " refers a complete list of tasks ( like rad ) provided to ensure that no essential activity is overlooked , while techniques are fully documented to ensure that a task is performed in the proper way 方法指所提供的一整套工作清单(如应用系统快速发展法) ,以确保基本的工作不会有所遗漏,而载列的执行技巧则确保工作得以正常进行。
This paper put forward a set of management method of equipment and technique in petroleum enterprise , such as equipment ' s evaluation in quantities , equipment ' s proper usage , equipment ' s maintenance and technical reform , equipment ' s status monitoring and diagnosing , em methods under hse management system , etc . this paper also put forward a series of economic management methods , such as the management of equipment depreciation fund , the management of equipment maintenance fee , equipment ' s activation , equipment ' s occupation for value , equipment ' s rental , management of abandoned equipment . the purpose of the author is trying to offer some valuable advice for promoting the scientific em in petroleum enterprise , organizing the equipment operation in the proper way , optimizing the equipment ' s readjustment and improving the equipment ' s intact rate and utilizing rate 本着理论联系实际的原则,采用模糊评价法、综合分析法建立了石油专用设备投资评价体系及效益跟踪考评方法;提出了一套石油企业设备技术管理的科学方法:设备量化评价考核、设备的合理使用、设备的维修与技术改造、设备的状态监测与故障诊断技术的应用、 hse管理体系下的设备管理等方法;在经济管理方面提出了设备折旧资金的管理、设备维修费用的管理、设备的盘活、有偿占用、租赁、设备的报废管理等管理方法,为推进石油企业设备管理的科学化,组织好设备的运营,优化设备合理调配,提高设备完好率、利用率提供有效的参考建议。